Aim of this project is the development of an innovative high capacity (in terms of storage) simulating platform for the analysis of the effects on perishable (and not perishable) products and packaging solutions (primary, secondary and tertiary) due to several environmental and physical stresses. The proposed technology solutions are the results of a laboratory research and development conducted by several researchers with expertise in different engineering and not engineering disciplines in a multi disciplinary approach.
The following image illustrate a view of the high capacity simulating system equipped with innovative technologies and solution to simulate the stresses on products in international and multi modal shipments. The equipment of this simulator is a work-in-progress activity thanks to the support of some partners, e.g. ALSTOM.
The following image illustrates one of the simulator machines currently used to simulate the stresses on products in international and multi modal shipments.
See the following VIDEO illustrating the original adopted procedure for monitoring and simulation of international shipments.