2nd International Workshop on Food Supply Chains
Viña del Mar, Chile, March 18th-21st, 2013
Meeting the challenges of the Food Supply Chain with Innovation
Organizing Institute

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Conference chairman
Alejandro F. Mac Cawley
Scientific committee of WFSC 2013
John Bartholdi, Georgia Tech (USA); Susan Cholette, San Francisco StateUniversity (USA);
Raymundo Forradellas, U.Nacional deCuyo(Argentina);Alejandro MacCawley, Georgia Tech(USA) and PUC(Chile);
Leorey Marquez, CSIRO (Australia);Riccardo Manzini, Bologna University (Italy);
Sergio Maturana, P.UniversidadCatólica(Chile);Esbeth Van Dyk, CSIR(South Africa);
Rene Villalobos, Arizona State University(USA)
Keynote speaker of WFSC 2013
John Bartholdi, Georgia Tech (USA)

The Second International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (WFSC 2013) was held on March 18-21, 2013, in Viña del Mar, Chile.
The food supply chain is currently facing many challenges. Food safety is of key importance to maintain the quality of the food, while the increasing competitive puts pressure on reducing, as much as possible,the transportation cost from the producer to the consumer. Furthermore, food supply chains must now be sustainable and reliable. In this meeting the participants presented research on different innovations that will help to tackle these challenges.
Call for paper
Participants were encouraged to submit papers describing their research on different topics related to the food supply chain. The papers were subjected to peer review.
Important dates for WFSC 2013
Early registration deadline: December 15, 2012
Abstract submission deadline: December 30, 2012
Full paper deadline: January 30, 2013
Workshop registration deadline: March 3, 2013
The Second International Workshop on Food Supply Chain (WFSC 2013) was held in Viña del Mar, Chile
Outocomes from WFSC 2013
List of some relevant papers
Accorsi R. et al. (2013). Design of fresh food supply chain: an integrated model and case study, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Akkerman R. (2013). Utilizing treaceability in production and distribution planning: Developments and challenges, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Albornoz V. et al. (2013). Optimal pig supply chain management, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Cholette S. et al. (2013). Considering the interactions of CRS Initiatives with Supplt Chains: An Exploratory Case Study of Four Agriculturally-Based Entrepreneurs, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Dunstall S. et al. (2013). Optimizing the Location of Rest Areas for the Supply Chain of livestock in Northern Australia, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Forradellas R. et al. (2013). A proposal to improve the competitiveness of the wine industry in the east of Mendoza, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Gennari A. et al. (2013). Are food miles sustainable? The issue of food miles for Argentinean wine, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Gonzales M. et al. (2013). An optimization model for harvest planning in apple orchards, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Mac Cawley A. et al. (2013). Schedulingthe bottling line at large-scale winery, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Manzini R. et al. (2013). Accelerated life test analysis for packaging solutions. A case study od edible oils distributions, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Maturana S. et al. (2013). A rolling-horizon postponement strategy for a wine producer, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Sancez-Ramirez R. et al. (2013). An optimization model for supporting production planning in processing plants of frozen food, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
Urzua C. et al. (2013). Distribution improvement of harvest containers applying location models, Viña del Mar 18–21 Mar, 2013.
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