Camst, new production plant in Parma. Video presentation

This is the official video presentation of the new production plant of Camst located in Vicofertile (Parma, Italy). This system is the result of the collaboration between the Food Supply Chain Center and Camst, thanks to the development of models, methods and original supporting decision making tools.
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EcoPackLab for sustainable and innovative packaging system

The EcoPackLab project aims to create a sustainable and innovative packaging system for quality improvement of packed food during its storage. The project makes use of both University of Bologna laboratories and industrial supply chains, by means of an integrated and interdisciplinary approach on quality, safety, sustainability and logistics efficiency, that takes advantage...
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2016, innovative high capacity simulating platform

Aim of this project is the development of an innovative high capacity (in terms of storage) simulating platform for the analysis of the effects on perishable (and not perishable) products and packaging solutions (primary, secondary and tertiary) due to several environmental and physical stresses. The proposed technology solutions are the results of a laboratory research and dev...
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CPR System, 2016-2018

CRP System is the Italian leading company in the production, storage, distribution, washing, re-use and recycling and pooling of reusable plastic containers (RPC) and pallets for several Italian retailers and producers of fresh products. Aim of this project is the optimisation of the supply chain system of the RPC and pallet systems, from the production to the final distributio...
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SO.FI.A – Sustainability in Agro-food supply chain

The Food Supply Chain Center and the Department of Industrial Engineering is part of the consortium C.L.A.N and SO.FI.A project on sustainability in food supply chain. Cluster CL.A.N. is a partnership of companies, research centers, local authorities and relevant stakeholders representatives of the food supply chain, to promote sustainable economic growth. The activity is fo...
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Storage assignment in a perishable products warehouse, 2015-2016

The projects is developed in collaboration with the company Due Torri Spa. The aim of this study is the development of an original approach to support decision making during the assignment of products to storage locations in order to minimize the total cost of handling with a particular focus on picking activities.
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EC Programme, 2015

FUTUREMED is a project under the MED Programme that aims to improve the competitiveness of port systems in the MED area by improving accessibility through technology and procedural innovations, and guaranteeing sustainability of transport. The idea focuses on the realization of interoperable management information systems and on the reduction of externalities. The project in...
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