Food Supply Chain Center at Expo 2015, KIP Int. School and Cittaslow International

AlmaExpo 2015

The Food SupplyLogo Città Slow Chain Project have presented the main research advancements at the KIP FAO ONU pavillon, EXPO 2015, Milan, on July 23-24. The discussing topics embraced and met the goals of Expo

2015, aiming to respond to the raising questions of how feeding the planet with quality food in a sustainable way.

The Food Supply Chain project intends to highlight the role of logistics in food production, transport, storage and distribution operations, and to analyse the food supply chains as a whole, providing planning tools and operative decision support systems to aid the production and distribution of quality and sustainable agro-food products.

The following video is the selected video performance for the Expo event including all laboratory activities developed and implemented by the Food Supply chain Center for food quality assessment in a global food supply chain.


prof.Riccardo Manzini interview at Expo 2015, KIP int. international school